
Modern Decoration International Media Award

中国深圳にあるModern Decoration Magazine 出版社が主催する第15回Modern Decoration International Media Award 2017に「平野医院」が最終候補に選ばれているとのこと。
この賞は1年間でModern Decorationに掲載された世界の建築の中から選ばれるそうで、2003年から毎年続いているようです。
深圳で行われる11/30の表彰式への招待と12/1のInternational Design Business Summitでのショートスピーチの依頼がきました。(通訳は付けてくれるとのこと)

Notice to the Finalist of the 15th2017Modern Decoration International Media Award Competition

Dear Mr/Ms  TSC Architects

The award ceremony of the 15th (2017) Modern Decoration International Media Award will be held in the Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai on Nov.30, China. Modern Decoration International Media Award was founded by Modern Decoration Magazine Publisher in 2003 for giving awards to excellent interior design works from the perspective of media. This year we're welcoming its 15th anniversary. Many big names in design world from Mainland China, Hongkong, Taiwan and abroad will attend this occasion. We will share this important moment with all sectors of society!

According to the competition rule of the 15th2017Modern Decoration International Media Award, all the design works published on Modern Decoration from December, 2016 to November, 2017 will automatically be submitted for our media award's review. Your project  Hirano Clinic  had been published in the Dec .  411  issue of Modern Decoration. Here we congratulate that your work has been short-listed for the 15th Modern Decoration International Media Award and it would possibly be the candidate for our Annual Public Space Award.

We hereby sincerely invite you to attend this grand occasion in China. If you can come, it would be very appreciated and we will specially provide one-day hotel accommodation and the dinner party for free.

Thanks again for your great support to our magazine!

Looking forward to your reply!

Yours sincerely,

Modern Decoration International Media Award Committee

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